Our open mornings for Admissions in September 2025 are now available. Call or email the office to book your visit.

Extra Curricular Activities

We offer a wide range of free clubs that run both at lunchtime and after school throughout the year. Our clubs are led by teachers and teaching assistants from the school, our Trust and external providers. 

At Sedley’s Primary School, we are always keen to provide children with opportunities to further develop and support a variety of skills and interests.

pupil receiving medal outside on field at sports day
DayClub Name Year GroupTeacher

Year 3 - 6
Mrs Grimwood

MondayDance ClubYear 1 - 6Berenice Hunt
MondayMindfulnessYear R - 6Mrs Dunne

Year 3 - 6
Mrs Abel
ThursdayCosmic YogaYear R - 6Miss Bingham
FridayFootball (Boys & Girls)KS2

Year 3 - 6
Mr Knight

Further Information