PSHE and RSE Subject Leader: Mrs T Grimwood
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) is a necessary part of all pupils’ education to help them to stay healthy, safe, and prepared for life. Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) enables young people to learn about healthy relationships, their mental well-being and their understanding of their bodies.
Sedley’s C of E Primary School believes in developing individuality in each and every one of our pupils. We promote the that value that we all have something to offer and through our vision of ‘Love to Learn, Learn to Love’ we encourage, support, and challenge our pupils within our PSHE curriculum.
The aims of PSHE education within our school are to provide children with:
- correct and relevant knowledge
- opportunities to create a personal understanding
- opportunities to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights, and responsibilities
- a range of skills and strategies to live a healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible, and balanced life.
At Sedley’s we make use of Jigsaw, a PSHE curriculum, which enables us to have whole school themes on a termly basis. Learning is carefully planned through this programme, covering topics such as Healthy Me and Goals and Dreams, which also allows us to link this with our Christian Values. Children are also taught about such things as mindfulness through the Jigsaw characters and scheme.
Coverage of PSHE is tracked, and teaching and learning within Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World is delivered in a variety of ways.
PSHE deals with the diverse beliefs, values, and attitudes that individuals and societies hold. PSHE helps pupils to develop themselves, and their understanding of the world, giving time for reflection and an opportunity to communicate their feelings. PSHE helps children to acquire British values and attitudes that are necessary if they are to make sense of their experiences within school and life itself, value themselves, respect others, appreciate differences and diversity, and feel confident and informed as a modern British citizen.
PSHE and RSE in Each Stage
In EYFS, for PSHE pupils will show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others. They will begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly by learning the rules and knowing right from wrong and give focused attention to what the teacher says.
In RSE, pupils will be introduced to the key relationships in their lives; learning about families, explore friendships and how to practise calm methods when feeling upset or angry.
In KS1, pupils will understand how to make safe and fair places, show good listening skills, be able to work co-operatively and recognise their own feelings of when they need help when they feel worried and know what it is like to feel proud of achievements. This will all be delivered within PSHE lessons.
In RSE lessons, pupils will know what their body needs to stay healthy including what snacks are good for their bodies. They will learn about the importance and safety of medicines and how they can help when they’re feeling poorly. As well as this, pupils will learn about life cycles, ageing and how their bodies develop with age.
In PSHE at KS2, pupils will develop their growth mindset by understanding how to set personal goals for the year ahead, learn techniques to know how to face new challenges positively and know how to take positive action to help others. Pupils will be able to confidently evaluate their own learning strengths and know how to take responsibility for their own health.
In RSE, pupils will understand more about puberty, reflect on the development and birth of a baby, learn ways to boost their self-esteem of self and others, and understand how essential mutual respect is in relationships.
PSHE and RSE Progression
SEND Information
SEND pupils will receive relevant provisions.
PSHE and RSE Extra Resources
For remote learning, please visit our remote learning page or contact our Head of PSHE/RSE for more information.
Further PSHE and RSE Help